HELLO, Joy-Filled Sparkle.
Keep asking, “Does this bring me joy?”
In one minute, doing nothing fills you with joy. In another moment, challenging yourself, going far beyond your comfort zone, fills you with absolute joy. No matter the details, joy fills you every time you surrender to your unique purpose in any given moment. And how do you know what your unique purpose is in any given moment? Your inner knowing tells you ~ and it will always bring you joy, no matter what it is, because it puts you in the divine flow of the moment.
“Does this bring me joy?” If it doesn’t, there’s something else that will, something that will fully align you with your path in that moment, creating a feeling of meaningful fulfilment, which begets the kind of joy that defines a life. You know what that something else is ~ you need only to give yourself permission.
“Does this bring me joy?” will always remind you of the joy available ~ specifically for you ~ in all moments.
You’re getting so good at choosing it, Joy-Filled Sparkle.
Present with you,